5 Reasons to build Custom CRM software for your business



CRM software is very essential for every business organization. No matter whether you are running a small, medium, or large-scale business, CRM software aims to streamline your business process by improving your relationship with your existing customers and helping you identify new possibilities and leads.

What directs your business forward? If your answer is not “customers,” you might need to rethink. The relationship with your customers is the core of any business, and it is important to manage this relationship to develop and increase loyalty. There are many different ways a business can improve its relationship with customers, with the easiest and most crucial one being identifying and acknowledging their needs and requirement.

Running a business without CRM System can cost you. More administration work means you get less time for everything else. Your customers also suffer. Without a common platform for customer interactions, communications can be missed or lost- leading to a slow or unsatisfactory response. Without a good CRM system, reports can be hard to create. Managers can lose track of what their teams are up to, which means that they can’t offer the right support at the right time- it can result in a lack of accountability from the team.


Now let’s understand what Custom CRM Software is,

What is Custom Customer Relationship Management (CRM) Software?

A Custom CRM is a platform built from scratch by in-house software developers. It can be used when your business sales model is complex or doesn’t fit into a standard B2B sales model.

As you build your own CRM to serve specific needs, it will be made up of only those modules and features that will help in running the daily and commercial activity of your company.

5 Reasons to build Custom CRM software for your business:

There are many core benefits businesses can expect from a Custom CRM system:

1. Less expensive than ready-made CRM Software:

In most cases, CRM solutions come on a subscription basis. The pricing depends on the number of users using this system and its available features. But these plans have certain limitations, over which they cannot operate. Many pre-packed CRM solutions come with features that you may not need. Thus by using the Custom CRM system, you will no longer need to use multiple systems and switch between them.

It will help remove all unnecessary steps, this will make comfortable customer relationship management. So custom CRM system is less expensive than an off-the-shelf CRM.

2. Reduces onboarding time:

When you adopt a new ready-made CRM, the possibilities are that it will not align with your company’s existing workflows. Employees may make mistakes, like missing a call from a client, losing promising deals, etc.

Hiring a certified trainer to train your new employees to use enterprise applications can take many months and can be expensive also. With the Custom CRM solution, you can minimize the lengthy onboarding time and increase the productivity of your employees.

In the onboarding process, a custom CRM system will help you with the following:

  1. It decreases the number of mistakes made during the onboarding period.
  2. It is based on existing workflows, making the adjustment simpler for new employees.
  3. You can also add advanced features that you need for the business and reduce training expenses.

3. Simplified scaling process:

Scalability is an important attribute every business wants to have. To advance the automation process and information sharing in your growing business, you need to expand CRM functionality to other departments.

Following issues you will face while scaling with a ready-made CRM system:

  1. You need to integrate your extension with the CRM software.
  2. You will need to purchase a new plan, which might be more expensive. Which will not include all the features and functionalities you need in your business.
  3. You will need to install new add-ons, which come with a big price tag.
  4. In custom CRM software, you are the owner of your product. You can make any changes according to your business needs to the custom business CRM that adapts to your unique business process.

Here are the benefits of custom CRM solution over off-shore CRM:

  1. You can add as many numbers of users without paying any extra cost.
  2. You can customize additional capabilities like database management, lead management, or augmented analytics.
  3. You can make changes as per your business requirements.

4. Smooth integration:

For getting extra benefits from an off-the-shelf CRM system, you need to pay a significant fee for extending its functionalities. The more expensive package you have, the more expensive features you get. Their enlarged functionalities and APIs come in more expensive packages.

Moreover, the integrated approach with an off-the-shelf CRM is more complicated.

You will need to hire well-experienced developers with strong knowledge if you are integrating an off-the-shelf CRM with the following:

  1. Gmail,
  2. Microsoft Outlook,
  3. Google apps,
  4. Project management apps,
  5. Accounting apps,
  6. Inventory and invoicing systems,
  7. Custom ERP tool.

But Custom CRM software makes future integration uncomplicated and less expensive by enabling developers to use the API-first approach, making the process more reliable. With customer integrations, your CRM will become a central hub for all departments (including HR, finance, supply chain, project management, manufacturing purchasing, technical support, etc.) and evolve into successful digitization.

5. Increased the Automation process:

Many ready-made CRM systems lack automation. Sales managers require to spend a lot of time on data entry. Salespeople may feel that they are wasting their time doing things manually that could be automated, like:

  1. Compiling data
  2. Uploading recorded calls from customers
  3. Enter customer information manually in the database.
  4. Tracking customer replies

As a result, they won’t use the CRM system properly, no matter how much you have paid for it.

A Custom CRM system helps you save an important amount of time and money by automating the functionalities you need for your business. For example:

  1. Automating the data entry process.
  2. Automating lead management, like collecting emails, basic information, web behavior, etc.
  3. Automating follow-up emails after calls.
  4. Automating customer support to manage regular customer inquiries and send faster responses to customer queries.
  5. Automating daily sales-related activities, like tracking deals and accounts, monthly revenue and billing management, etc.

Features that should be included in a Custom CRM system:

Adding a CRM system to your business can be a great way to manage your business more effectively. With a customized system, you will be able to enhance your workflows and get more out of the software.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Building Custom CRM Software for Your Business

Following are a few features you’ll want to consider when choosing a customized CRM system:

Email Integration:

Email integration is an important feature to consider while building a custom CRM system. Let you connect your CRM software to your email account, makes it easy to manage your customer relationships. With email integration, you can effortlessly track customer interactions, generate custom reports, and more.

It makes it simpler to share customer information with other members of your team. When taking into consideration email integration as a feature for your custom CRM system, be sure to consider the needs and the level of integration that you require for your business.

Leads Management:

This system can offer several benefits for businesses, including the ability to manage leads more effectively. A custom CRM system helps businesses to track every interaction they have with a lead and make sure that no opportunities are missed.

Also, businesses can use their system to automate tasks associated with lead management, such as scheduling appointments or sending follow-up emails. By taking advantage of these features, businesses can enhance their chances of converting leads into customers.

Task Management:

​​Alerts and notifications are core features of any task management system. Alerts inform users of impending deadlines or overdue tasks, while notifications remind users of upcoming events or meetings. In a custom CRM system, alerts and notifications can be customized according to the needs of the user. As a result, task management is an essential feature of the custom CRM system.

Reporting and Analytics:

Businesses can track their sales data and customer interactions with the help of reporting and analytics. This data can be used to enhance sales strategies, target new customers, and more.

Here alerts and notifications can also be set up as part of the reporting and analytics feature, so businesses can be alerted when certain events occur, such as an increase or decline in sales. By leveraging analytics businesses can see a huge amount of growth and success.

Customer Support:

By including this feature in your CRM, you can automatically send alerts to specific team members or groups based on customer interactions, and feedback. This way, you can be sure that any problems are quickly dealt with and that your customers always receive the best possible service.

Not only will this improve customer satisfaction levels, but it will also help to build trust and loyalty in your brand. Thus, a custom CRM system that includes customer support alerts and notifications is an important tool for building a successful business.

You can also check this out- What Is Customer Relationship Management & Its Benefits For Business?

Best Custom CRM Software to use for your business

Delight ERP provides the best Custom CRM software in Rajkot, Gujarat, India. Delight ERP software is a noteworthy cloud-based system. It customizes Custom CRM System according to your needs for your business.


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